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Sunday, June 30, 2013

[Traditional Art] Garden Beauty

This painting/drawing is on watercolor paper, something I only used a few times before, the first time it was pretty awful, the other two were alright but nothing to write home about; Oddly nearly every painting/drawing on watercolor paper has been for my mother...Anyways, this took me probably about 12-13 hours to paint, I hope you people enjoy it!


Time Taken: Approx 12-13 hours.



15 Prismacolor
5 Crayola
5 EK Memory
6 Other

Total: 31


9 RoseArt
4 Sharpie
2 Crayola

Total: 15


6 Fine Touch Tube Paint
5 Sakura Koi Tube Paint
Crayola and off Brand tray paint
Poster Board Paint
White Acrylic Paint
Total: 15-ish


B Prismacolor Pen
White Sakura Gelly Roll Pen

Total: 2


1, 3, 6 – Paintbrushes
Random cheap plastic brush that I ended up no liking.

Total: 4


HB Drawing Pencil - Sketch
Colorless Blender-Pencil – Blending Colors for the Colored Pencils
Kneadable Eraser – Erasing sketch lines I didn't like that were big
Pencil Sharpener
11 X 15 Watercolor Paper


May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; along with the health of yourself, family and all who know you. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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[Traditional Art] Candy Dancer

Here's a little dancer girl, she's meant to be a child. I did my best to keep her flat-chested, any lumps you see up top are wrinkles from the top part of the dress!  She took me about 3 days to color, mainly because I kept stopping to take pictures for another coloring process post but I don't think I'll do it, I can't remember everything I did in order since it took so long and so much stuff! 

Anyways here she is! And you can see the inking process here.


Time Taken: 3 days 



12 RoseArt
15 Crayola
2 Copic
2 Sharpie

Total: 31


14 Crayola
6 EK Memory
4 Creatology
8 Other

Total: 32


0.1, 0.3, B - Prismacolor Assorted Markers (pens)
Sakura White Gelly Roll Pen

Total: 4

Colorless Blender Pencil - Blending colored  pencil together (Not so much though, I used no prismacolors to color with)
Kneadable eraser - Erasing sketch lines after inking.
9 x 12 Dry Media Paper

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; And The Health Of yourself Family and all that know you! ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Inking Process - Candy Dancer - Not a Tutorial

Inking Process - Candy Dancer - Not a Tutorial

In this post I will take you through how I inked this drawing.
Hello! I was going to go through in detail how I sketched too but since I didn't think of that until I drew on the clothes which is near the end of the sketching of the person so, I don't really have enough to say "this is my sketch process";  I'll just gloss over it for now.


First I sketched out the girl.

 Then I added some more details to her clothes (lace, ribbon, a pattern etc..), along with a basic background.

 Added some more details, like the bow on the lollipop and the leaves on the rose below the girl and that's the basic idea for the sketching process.


I started from the top down in the inking process; Until otherwise stated I'm using a 01 Prismacolor assorted pen in black.  

First I started on her hair on her head, then I inked her face; Moving on I inked her loose hair then her shirt area of her dress, and the bow.

Next I inked the first two layers of her dress and her waist.
This part is simply stated but one of the most time consuming parts of the process; I inked the last layer of her dress, notice how it matches the top part of the dress. 

Next  I moved on to inking her legs, feet, arms and hands. 

Now on to the background: I inked the background with a 03 Prismacolor assorted pen.

I fixed up the outlines of parts of the dancer girl with the 03 pen to make it have more depth.
 And that's my inking process!  (I used GIMP to make the image pure black and white without all the shadows of the camera.)

I hope this has been at least a basic idea to help you get started if you don't know how, or at least semi interesting, it's not quite the verbal inensity that you might have expected with explanation but I hope it's good for something. 

May God Bless you, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, And All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Color Guide - Skin Toned Pencils

Color Guide - Skin Toned Pencils

This post will be about the different possible colors for skin tones using colored pencils, if you'd like to read about the following pencil brands click here.

Note 1: These color tones are a matter of opinion what looks like a Skin Tone.

Note 2: These Are Only Natural Skin Tones, All Other Tones Are Up For Personal Preference Only.

Note 3: I only talk of shading within brands but I personally mix brands to color and shade because of their different waxes and hardness-es.

Prismacolor Premier

Prismacolor codes colors both by name and code I will post both.
  • Burnt Ocher, PC943 -Reddish orange toned brown good for many darker races.
  • Sienna Brown, PC945 – A bit harsher brown but still reasonable in color and saturation, semi red tinted but very brown nonetheless. (Shades “Burnt Ocher, PC943”)
  • Light Umber, PC941 – Much less saturated, kinda tree barkish in color but it's still good for darker skin tones. (Shades “Sienna Brown, PC945”)
  • Light Peach, PC927 – Much like the default skin tone for Anime style, that peachy fleshy tone, Not overly pale semi saturated.
  • Peach, PC939 – Best as a shading color for “Light Peach, PC927 “, unless you like people very orange in skin color. - Preference.
  • Cream, PC914 – This is good for some skin tones, some people do have a yellowish complexion (Chinese for example) but used wrong your person doesn't look very good, it's a touchy color.
  • Yellow Ochre, PC942 – Only good really for shading “Cream, PC914”.


Crayola has a few colors as well for skin tones, these don't blend nearly as well as Prismacolors do though, so be sure to put your shading in before the wax builds up too much, part of this is to not press your base colored pencil so hard and add the shading with the base color after you put the really dark shadows in, else things will be a bit odd looking!

  • Brown – Very dark color brown, good for darker skinned people and also shades “Light Brown”.
  • Light Brown- About a third to a fourth less as dark as “Brown” and a bit more saturated than “Brown” as well; It's good for shading Tan as well.
  • Taupe – This is a paler brownish color, kinda has a bit of a grey tint in it too but it does look a bit like a skin tone for some people.
  • Tan – A nice balanced color, very brown influenced but lighter in color and a bit more peachy looking; it's good for shading “Peach” with the darker shades.
  • Peach – Similar to “Light Peach, PC927” In the Prismacolor Premier Section; Shaded well by “Tan” and “Yellow Orange”.

EK Memory Pencils

EK labels their pencils by both color name and a circle around a number, but since I don't know how to put a circle around a number I will use “( )”.

  • Soft Orange, (2) – Similar to “Light Peach, PC927” In the Prismacolor Premier Section and “Peach” in the Crayola Section – Only a little paler; Shaded well by “Medium Orange (28)” and depending on how saturated you like your shading by “Orange, (45)”.
  • Medium Orange, (28) – Similar to “Peach, PC939” Prismacolor – Only a little less saturated. Shaded by “Orange, (45)”.
  • Tree Bark, (9) – Similar to “Burnt Ocher, PC943” with a bit less reddish orange but still has a saturated look to it.
  • Chestnut, (10) – Similar to Crayola's “Light Brown”. 



Creatology and Other off brands have skin tones but no name to their tones so it's very much up to your own interpretation of these colors. - I've taken a picture though of the skin tone pencils I own, I cannot name any brand names as I no longer have their boxes to say who made them, but I can say I bought them all in dollar stores (Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, etc..).

Off Brand

I hope this gave you at-least a basic guideline, I wanted to have each color shown but the pictures I took look terrible and I don't know how to make the background white without messing the color's actual appearance. - I can however direct you to a color chart that you can find the colors I mentioned for the Prismacolor Premier Pencils. (That was a very confusing sentence!)

Chart Here.

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, And All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Announcement: New Page Added!

Announcement: New Page Added!

The Factoid Firefly has added a new page for listing memorable posts over the time of the blog, it will get updated as more notable things happen!

The Notable Moments Page can be found here or on the top of your screen on the navigation bar.


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May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The health of Yourself, Family, And All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Firefly Is Almost At 1,700 Page Views!

Just a quick yippee semi announcement!

This blog has almost reached the 1,700 page views since April - Now, Granted it's not a whole lot for about 2 and a half months but dang it I'm happy! xD

Thank you for all the views thus far, I hope I keep being useful, entertaining and informative!

Please remember to support the blog by clicking the Google +1 button if you are able to and sharing this blog with other artists you know!

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, And All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

Colored Pencils; Which are best?

 Colored Pencils; Which are best?

In this blog post I will be doing a similar review as I did with inking pens writing out the different brands that I've used and saying what I think of them and how they work.

Please keep in mind that I am also thinking in terms of how I color and also from my skill level; And also please remember that everybody has a preference I will not say you need to get anything, I will let you decide, I'll just say what I know and see from my perspective on things.

Okay, lets begin!


Crayola is probably the most famous because nearly every child (at least in the US) has had at least on pack of crayolas (second closest brand I believe would be RoseArt), these are actually very good considering they are for children. I probably have between all brands that I have, I have Crayola's most, some of them are about 10 years old (Orange is my most common color for some reason) and they are still great. I personally love them because they are harder than a better brand like Prismacolor (if you use the premier pencils). You can get a very wide range of colors; here's a list of colors for the Crayola 64 pack.

Desaturated colors:
  1. Image Not My Own
  2. Slate

  3. Silver
  4. Grey
  5. White
  6. Toolbox
  7. Platinum
  8. Cool Grey
  9. Auro Metal Sarus

  1. Red
  2. Red-Orange
  3. Maroon
  4. Mahogany
  5. Rose Red

  1. Yellow
  2. Yellow Orange
  3. Yellow-Green
  4. Image Not My Own
    Bronze Yellow
  5. Lemon Yellow
  6. Harvest Gold
  7. Gold

  1. Orange
  2. Mango
  3. Light Orange
  4. Peach

  1. Brown
  2. Dark Brown
  3. Light Brown
  4. Meat Brown
  5. Sandstorm
  6. Taupe
  7. Sand
  8. Tan

  1. Pink
  2. Bubble Gum
  3. Salmon
  4. Pale Rose
  5. Magenta
  6. Rasberry
Image Not My Own


  1. Violet
  2. Mauve
  3. Orchid
  4. Amethyst

  1. Green
  2. Guppie Green
  3. Electric Green
  4. Dollar Bill
  5. UFO Green
  6. Green-Blue
  7. Pine Green
  8. Jade Green
  9. Aqua Green
  10. Lime Green
  11. Turquoise
  12. Teal
Image Not My Own.

  1. Blue
  2. Navy Blue
  3. Sky Blue
  4. Cerulean
  5. Ball Blue
  6. Light Blue
  7. Baby Blue
  8. Spiro Disco Ball

There are also other colors in special packs, their biggest pack of colors pencils is a 200 pack but the catch is there's only 12 colors per pack or 240, this is mainly for if you are running an art class with kids or a daycare or something like that. It's called the Classic pack and it can be found here.
There are also colored pencils that you can erase, as well as mechanical colored pencils I do not own these, they also sell “special” packs with “special colors”, prices range but you can get a 64 pack of Crayolas for up to $12.00.

Crayolas blend reasonably not perfect but reasonably and are good to layer with different colors and make a visual nice texture.

For a beginner and more specifically a young beginner with not much money these are good to pick up.

As a young non monetarily advanced artist I say these are very nice to start with and to keep using through the years. I haven't bought pencils from Crayola in years because I keep having duplicates and such so I know they last a long time.


Picture from my personal box.
Creatology is a company that sells pencils exclusively at Micheals Craft stores, I have their 72 ct. Set of colored pencils that were given to me as a gift. The colors aren't named individuality so they're pretty much up to your own interpretation. There are 36 colors and each pencil has a duplicate, good if you have a favorite color because lasts longer or if you want to share you have a duplicate and can work easy without having to give the same pencil away. I do not know how much they cost, I cannot find them online so I believe they are only available in stores.

  • You have doubles of each color making the colors last longer.
  • They are very light to work with.
  • Most likely cheap.
  • They can be a bit sketchy. (Can be good if you like that effect)
  • These colored pencils tend to get dull rather quick and when sharpening them you loose a lot of pencil.
  • More on the box than anything – The box is horrible for storage you'll need another container. (I wouldn't let this bother you too much but it's still worth noting)
  • These pencils don't blend very good.

All in all, I don't not recommend them but I don't highly recommend them, I like them but I don't prefer them. It's up to you.


Image Not My Own (From Amazon)
Prismacolors are on the much higher end of quality, the type I use are their Premier Pencils, but they also sell Verithin pencils which I do not own but from what I've heard about them they are much harder than the Premier pencils. Prismacolor Premier pencils have 150 shades, they have many different sets, I personally own the Sanford Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil Set, 48/Tin it includes 48 different colors, depending on the pack also 2 “free” art stix (normally both the same color) and a hand held pencil sharpener. These are much softer than Crayola or other “Children's Brands”, and they blend much better, but they also cost a lot more, depending where you go a pack of 48 can range from $30.00-$72.00, I've had my 48 pack for about 3 years, I went through a time of not using them much because I was scared I'd waste them but still it's 3 years! I've used them the most in the past year and a half, my poor little pencils some are down to almost nubs!

Here's a color Chart for all 150 colors:
Originally from:

Image Not My Own
These pencils are best used with a “Prismacolor Colorless Blender Pencil”, in short it's a pencil that you use super fast to warm the wax causing it to become softer than it already is and blending the wax together; The colorless blender pencil also works good with Crayola and Crayons but not as good at Prismacolor pencils because it's made specifically for that type of wax.

My main “Con” for this would be that these pencils tend to have their color points fall out, mine are older so that might account for some of the problem, but I've read places that they are not supposed to fall out but they do!

Prismacolors come in different containers and can come un-sharpened and pre-sharpened, I recommend personally get them un-sharpened, I've read that Sanford does not sharpen their pencils evenly before selling and they put the point on the end where the code number and color name is on some of the pencils, which is important if you want to buy a specific pencil as they can be sold individually in stores and online.

The Black Prismacolor has gained it's own spotlight in a sense as Illustrator, Author and Youtube Drawing Tutorial Sensation – Mark Crilley's Famous Black Pencil he uses in his video is from Prismacolor Premier.

Mark Crilley Using A Black Prismacolor Premier from his "How To Draw a "Realistic" Manga Face: Anger" video.

The white Prismacolor is good for adding lighting to drawings colored with:

  • Pencil then marker over the top,
  • Marker alone,
  • And mixed media with Watercolor over the top.

I do not recommend to use it for eye shines, though, it's not thick enough, but that doesn't mean you can't try and prove me utterly wrong!

EK Memory Pencils:

These are very mild pencils both in price and useability, they cost $ 1.50-13 Dollars depending where you go for sets of 12. They have sets by color type groups like Primary, Earth, etc.., . These pencils are in between Crayola and Prismacolor in softness, they're blending is reasonable but not wonderful, they were designed for memory books and crafting projects but they are fine for coloring too, advertised as waterproof and fade proof.

I have pencils from 3 different sets which are:

  • Primary Colors – The Basic colors, vivid not very vast for 12 colors but it's still alright to have.
  • Earth colors – Much warmer tones, very “earthy” as they are so called.
  • Pastel - Much softer shades than the two mentioned above, good for young looking images. They are not as saturated but still pretty.
Images Not My Own - I put them all in one image

If you are interested in these I suggest doing your research a bit to get the best price I've seen them sold very cheap then really expensive, it's all about smart shopping!

Off Brands:

I've bought many off brand colored pencils and they are alright, dollar stores and other stores that seem random brands are a gold mine for super cheap pencils, they aren't the best quality but sometimes you get those few good pencils that have super nice colors. For $1-4 I'd say it's worth a stab in the dark, if they don't work for you, you can always save them for a child later on to use.

Notable mentions that I do not own:

Faber–Castle: These are higher class pencils, I only own a 12 pack of their watercolor-pencils and I like them, I do not know about their other products.- Some Crayola Products are produced in their factories.

RoseArt: A Child's company much like Crayola, I do not own a set of these only a few randoms that I was given, from what I can tell they are alright but I can't really have an opinion on them as I do not own a set. - I do own, however, their markers and I like them.

Prismacolor Verithin: I do not own these as stated above but from what I've heard they are harder, I also do not own any watercolor pencils from Prismacolor.

Quick Note For Pencil Care:

My key to long pencil life is learn to work with them from super point all the way down to flat, then sharpen them again (In other words I'm stingy.), and don't press so hard when you are trying to color big areas, shadows and things like that pressing harder is good but still don't press too awfully hard!! - You can break the point or make the pencils dull quicker.

Also use a good sharpener, a bad sharpener can break your points and you loose a lot of pencil, either get a good hand-held sharpener, or get a good electric sharpener, I have my sharpener for almost or about 5 or 6 years and she's still kick'n at sharpening thems pencils!

Another tip, if you dislike the container that your pencils come in, sort them by color order with rubber bands (blues with blues, yellows, reds, etc..) and put them in something else, like a tote-bag or a better resealable container. - Even if you like the container I still recommenced color ordering your pencils, no matter how many you have; It's so much easier to color when they are in color order to start so you're not searching for the color you want in a confusing mix up. - It's Worth The Time!


I hope this has helped some of you artists out there!
Happy coloring!

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, And All That Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Drawing Process - {Computer Art} Beautiful Loving Kindness - Coloring Walkthrough (Not Tutorial)

Here's a walk-through on how I color an Image, complete with process pictures and a speedpaint video! This took me about 5-12 hours to draw and color, I used MyPaint and GIMP to color and I used HyperCam to record, all are legally free and I highly recommend all of them.
Remember, this isn't a tutorial this is just a walk-through.



 Drawing Process Using MyPaint and GIMP.


I sketched in MyPaint, somehow sketching with a brush that represent a pencil seems more natural to me, I don't know, it's just much easier that way.


I "inked" also in MyPaint, using the pen brush (the one that looks like an inking pen in the representation picture), but instead of black I'm going for a more color based look this time, so this will be like a combination of cartoonish and my less hardlined type styles to it.


I switched to Gimp, fixed a few missed "inked" spots and used the selection, bucket, and grow, tools to color the big areas, I also got the digbat font heart that I use for all my heart Lp's (like Crystal Love and Love can Shine in the Darkness) and stretched it out then alpha selected it and shrunk by 7 pixels and deleted the middle. I made each part (rose, leave, vine, etc..) on a seperate layer so I could shade in MyPaint using the lock alpha channel making it that I don't go outside the colors, it's kind of like having it selected with the selection tool in GIMP.


I started shading the rose and the leaves, using one of the marker brushes for the softer shadows then the pencil brush for the fine details and such.


I worked on shading the vine using once again the marker and pencil brushes, I also tried to add some other colors to shade to make the surrounding colors appear to be casting a shadow...I'm not sure how well I pulled this off but I tried all the same. 
I also started on the flowers shading them and also making the rose shading a little deeper as well as trying to make the green of the leaves reflect off, I don't think I like that part, I might change it. There's still much to be done but it's coming along! (all the shading is in MyPaint so far)


I've switched to GIMP, and added texture to everything, lighting, and more shading/shadows, and started on the wooden heart; At this point, I'm almost done!


I worked on the heart a bit more until I liked it, did some finishing touches and added a background....Annnndddd....!!!..... I'm done!

Process Video:

  I hope you enjoyed this post, and it's at least given you an idea on how to start if you didn't know what to do or how to do it!

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along with the Health of Yourself, Family, and all That Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

[Traditional Art] Kitten - Following a tutorial

[Traditional Art] Kitten - Following a tutorial

 I got a sudden urge to try and follow the How to Draw a Kitten: Narrated Step by Step by Mark Crilley so this is my result...Not nearly as good as his but considering realism isn't my thing I think I did okay. 


Materials Used:

HB Pencil
Black Prismacolor
White gel pen (but you can't see it, saddly) 
12x18 Bienfang Middlesex sketch pad (about a 3rd the page)
Piece of tissue - for blending.

May God Bless You, Your Family and Friends; Along with the health of yourself and all who know you. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Coloring Process - [Traditional Art] Sunset Voyage (Colored Pencil Drawing)

 Coloring Process - [Traditional Art] Sunset Voyage (Colored Pencil Drawing)

I thought it would be fun for everyone as I try to get my groove back to see a coloring process with basic explanation so for this drawing that's what I will do.

Drawing Information:

I finally watched Mr. Mark Crilley's How To Draw Clouds (Step by Step) video and I liked it and became inspired to draw a sky myself;  I was recently given a box of 72 colored pencils made by Creatology, they are children's pencils kinda like Crayola but a  lower quality (the person bought them at a Micheals craft store), to be honest I like them - I think they get dull a little fast but that's okay, the pack has 36 colors and each color has a double. - So since I have my new pencils to play with and an old sketch book I haven't seriously used that was also given to me a long time ago by an elderly lady (God bless her) I figured okey dokey lets do dis I'mma draw a skyyyyyy!! Yeah...I didn't like it as just a sky, and I didn't like the rainbow I sketched so.. Lo and behold I finally came up with this! I originally wasn't going to have any "people" in it or the rock but it is what it is bless God!  It took a lot of endurance to go the same direction while coloring the sky and hard...
I hope you all like it!


Time Taken: Approx 4-5 Hours

Coloring Materials:

22 Creatology
18 Prismacolor Premier
1 Art Stick (basically a colored pencil without the wood and isn't round but square)

Other Materials:

Artist's Loft  Hard-Eraser - Erasing pencil lines and making some highlights in the colored pencils.
Prismacolor Blender Pencil - Blending Colored Pencils Together.
Eletric Pencil Sharpener - Sharpening The Colored Pencils.
12 X 18 BienFang Middlesex Sketchbook. - The paper has a course texture. 

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself Family and All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sry I've been afk

Dear readers,

I'm sorry I've been afk,  for a while..I haven't had the time to draw and stuff so back soon..!

Also happy fathers day to all real dads, anybody who has a good one thank the dear Lord God of heaven and earth because not everyone has that.

God bless!

~ Firefly

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

[Traditional Art] Rosas Hermosas

[Traditional Art] Rosas Hermosas

This is a drawing is inspired by two drawings I drew going on 2 years ago, both drawings had/have two roses arranged a lot like these are, only really big difference is there were more flowers. The original two I think had better composition but this drawing has better coloring, although the coloring back then I think was still pretty nice considering!


Time Taken:  4-5 Hours



  • 11 Prismacolor Premier Pencils
  • 7 Crayola
  • 2 Other

Total: 20


  • 10 Crayola
  • 3 JoAnn Fabrics Craft Essentials
  • 1 Copic

Total: 14


  • 03, B - Pens ( Prismacolor Assorted Markers)
  • Pigma Graphic 1 – Sakura Brand
  • White Gelly Roll Pen – Sakura Brand
  • Sharpie Oil Paint Pen (White)

Total: 15


  • Pencil – Sketching
  • Artist's Loft Hard Eraser – Erasing Sketch Lines
  • Prismacolor Colorless Blender Pencil – Blending Colored Pencils and making the paper thicker.
  • Electric Pencil Sharpener – Sharpening the Sketch Pencil and Colored Pencils.
  • Extra Paper – To prevent bleeding markers from going on to the next drawing page.
  • 9 X 12 Strathmore Dry Media Paper

Total: 6

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friends; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, And All That Know You.

~ Firefly

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