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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tip of the week; Sketch and Shadow, and Clipboards.

I've been away, still kinda am but I figured I should post something new here to not appear that the blog is dead.

Tip of the week; Sketch and Shadow, and Clipboards.


When you sketch I'm sure you often get smudges from the moisture of your hand moving the graphite around, well a way to prevent this is to put a paper or a cloth under your hand as you go, also when you sketch it helps (if you are doing cartooning/illustration at least) to sketch with a normal pencil (like you'd use for school) first, then to use a 0.7 hard lead mechanical pencil, this has a never flattening tip which will chisel out the fine details are you go over the lines you know you want.


Once you draw your sketch and you know the lines you want to keep (most likely by darkening) you can use a knead-able eraser and push it against the pencil, this will gently erase to the light lines go lighter and the dark lines go in to a ghostly or shadow like outline, so when you ink you don't get the hard sketch lines and the inked lines confused. - Note: DON'T RUB, Just Press and lift.


When using a clip board with a virtical opening sketch book put the bottom where the clip is and not the spiral, this will keep the paper snugly in place so when you erase or move fast the paper won't scrunch and ruin your piece.


I hope this was helpful to all yous out there! 

May God Bless You, Your Family, Friend; Along With The Health Of Yourself, Family, Friends, And All Who Know You. ~ Amen

~ Firefly

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Monday, April 14, 2014

AFK for a bit again

I'm sorry I've been afk I still will be for a little while longer but I'll be back soon!

~ God Bless ~

~ Firefly