Moko-Young's Factoid Firefly album on Photobucket

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Please when commenting on my blog....


Please When Commenting On My Blog....


Don't use vulgar or insulting language:

Commenting using vulgar words, words of damnation or phrases that belittle a person's religion or beliefs will not be tolerated, even if I agree with you about a belief do not start an argument, if you want to argue go someplace else there are many places to do so, and just a reminder – Arguing ends up with wasted time and you both still believe what you did before.
Keep this site clean! I want it so clean a parent can read it with their 1st grader. This is an ALL AGE site. Use your head.

Please when commenting on my blog do not start religious or political fights.

It's not ego, I've seen religious and political fights on drawing videos and other totally unrelated subjects, if you want to fight, brawl, or have a religious/political talk with a person or even start with me take that person to the side, Google has a multiple user conversation option use that, email or some other way, there is a time and a place for everything my art blog is not it. I'm all for evangelism and openly Christian and sticking to your beliefs this a good thing! - but don't make a fight out of if, if you're fighting neither side will listen anyway. If you want to have a discussion on these matters take the other party/s involved to another location, you may post an invite saying how they can contact you if they want to talk.

Conclusion – Glorifying God = fine; Talking about praying for a person = fine; Arguing with each other = on my blog not fine, outside of here it's none of my business.

Don't post any links that lead to....

Please don't post any links that lead to stolen or pirated programs, music, or games.
Pornography or anything with Sexual themes.
Any kind of cruelty to humans or animals.
Anything violating the innocence of Children.


Don't post the same message 40 times, please don't post more than one comment in a row without a good reason – Ex: Character limit exceeded and you need to finish an idea.
Don't worry about one word typo's we can probably still understand you.

I think I've covered everything, so with this I bid you all adieu.

May God bless you, your family, friends and your health, and the health of all that know you! - Amen

~ Firefly

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Please when commenting take note of the "Posting Guidelines" page listed on the top of this blog. This insures that your comment will be seen by others and not just me when I'm doing comment moderation. Have a nice day! :D